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Value for 1 share 15 July 2024
Value for 1 share
15 July 2024
» Professional Pension Fund 1.66428
» Universal Pension Fund 1.65976
» Voluntary Pension Fund 1.22789

Core Principles

The supplementary pension assurance, the activity performed by "Pension Assurance Company - Future" JSC, is based on the principles of:

· Mandatory/voluntary participation;

· Legal independence of the pension assurance company and the universal, professional, and voluntary pension funds managed by it;

· Transparency, separation, and exclusivity of the activity;

· Licensing regime and state regulation;

· Mandatory periodic reporting and disclosure of information;

· Fair competition among pension assurance companies;

· Representing the interests of the insured persons.

The supplementary pension assurance is implemented through pension schemes on a funded principle based on defined preliminary contributions.

The funds' resources are managed with the care of a good merchant while observing the principles of reliability, liquidity, profitability, and diversification in the interest of the insured persons.